Whole Coho Salmon (fresh, h/g) by the pound


*7 Lb minimum

Product Description

  • Taste: mild/medium flavored, nutty, minerally finish
  • Texture: firm, moist, tender flake, medium flake size
  • Form: fresh, headed and gutted, whole (5 Lb. Avg.)
  • Pack Size: by the pound
  • Origin: USA - North Pacific - Oregon, Washington, Alaska
  • Catch Method: Drift Gillnet, Troll, Purse Seine
  • Seasonality: June - October
  • Sustainability Rating: Best Choice (Alaska) / Good Alternative (Oregon, Washington) - Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch
  • Recommended Preparation: Grill, Bake, Broil, Poach, Smoke
  • Nutritional Info (serving size 1/2 pound)  Calories 311, Fat 10g, Cholesterol 131mg, Sodium 121mg, Carbohydrates 0g, Fiber, 0g, Sugars 0g, Protein 51g, Calcium 101mg, Iron 1.3mg, Potassium 872mg, Vitamin A 105mcg, Vitamin D 24mcg, Omega 3's 2341mg.

Our Fresh Whole Wild Coho Salmon is directly sourced from Seward, Sitka, Naknek, and Wrangell Alaska. We source mostly troll-caught Coho but will selectively target specific runs where the Coho are of high-quality and are net-caught. The flavor profile of Coho is mild, understated, and minerally; the texture is lean and firm.